​​​​​​​​Design Division, Inc.   91 Gray Street  Amherst   MA   01002   413 549 0510   hanke@designdivisioninc.com


My Freedom is a Privilege Which Nothing Else can Equal 

Client: Historic Stonington, Lighthouse Museum, Stonington, CT

Budget: $30,000

Exploring the remarkable life of Venture Smith (Broteer Furro), a former slave and businessman that lived in the Stonington Connecticut was the focus of the design. Broteer was captured in Africa as a child and brought to work in Connecticut. What makes his story unique is that he left a detailed and lengthy firsthand account of his life. Working closely with Historic Stonington staff we developed a concept for the exhibit that divided Broteer's life into easily understood chapters. Each chapter included firsthand quotes and other information from his account. Since no images of his likeness have survived, we commissioned a hypothetical portrait based on a detailed physical description of Broteer.